This Monday, came a “report,” from a “study,” that US medical doctors, attached to the armed services, they had joined right in, back in the BushCo days, when American serial killers had determined that it was Right And Meet to, in the name of the War on Terra, torture, or even kill, Bad Brown People.
They had, these docs, at the very least, according to said study, sat on their asses and sucked their thumbs, while their fellow serial killers inflicted “cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment” on human beings never charged with, much less convicted of, a single crime.
Imagine my surprise.
For, back in the day—five, six, seven years ago—on the once and future blog Never In Our Names, folks like Valtin, and Avila, and I, we wrote about this shit all the time.
Not that anyone paid any attention.
And: note: we didn’t merely foam at the mouth. We strived, just as did these newbie “study” people, to source, to soberly express.
Not that anyone gave a damn.
I understand why the right didn’t give no damn. Because, nothing at all ever pursued, by George II and Darth Cheney, could ever possibly be considered, by such people, “torture,” much less “death.”
But I remain puzzled, even unto today, why the “left,” they, during this period, mostly sat on their Cheetos.
Until—Avila was the first to point this out to me—the black man ascended, in 2009, into office. At which time the lefty white crackers, they suddenly came boiling from out of each other’s a-holes, to scream till their lips bled, that the black man, he should be lashed into jail, for not lashing into jail the white men—torture! rendition!—who had come before him.
Today, I feel like such a fool. For spending all those years. There at StormKos. In an alleged “lefty” borough. As riven with racists as any righty sewer on the tubes. Yea, verily: even more so. For, these days, on StormKos, you can even crow you helped kill a black man. And still be lovingly embraced. To the dKos Marky-Markos bosom.
Semper fi.
Anyway. When, on Monday, “reports” of the “study” emerged, there came a great hand-wringing:
“This is a big, big striking horror,” said Dr. Gerald Thomson, professor of medicine emeritus at Columbia University[.]
Why? Why, exactly, is it a horror?
These doctors, all of them, every one, to the fucking core of all that they are, they are serial killers. Because they have sold their souls to the US armed forces. Which is about nothing but killing people. And breaking things.
They, these people, these “doctors,” are wedded to Thanatos. Lined up against life.
They, these alleged doctors, may once upon a time have sworn to some bullshit oath about “first, do no harm.” But that’s all over now. Because they are in the United States armed forces. Where their sworn duty is to kill. Or assist in a kill. Or overlook a kill. Or excuse away a kill.
They are not doctors. They are killers.
They don’t give a goddam fucking shit. They will, these “doctors,” visit whatever harm, upon a human being, they are told to.
And this they did.
We don’t need to go to Germany. We don’t need to go to Japan. We don’t need to go to China. We don’t need to go to the USSR.
For examples. Of doctors as killers.
We have just had more than enough. Right here. In the US of A. Thank you very much.
I try not to write about this stuff anymore. Because It breaks me.
But not completely. Because I’ve looked over.
It’s simple: you don’t want your hoo-rah doctors to be some latter-day riff on Dr. Mengele? Then get them out of the armed forces.
Next, get your country, out of the armed forces.
This last, it is so simple and basic and obvious, that I’m weary tired unto death of expressing it.
But I will, below, again, because I feel that some people—this “feeling” no doubt merely some form of brain damage—are just creeping up on getting it.
And so, once again:
As has been observed here, many times, before, the Founders did not intend this country to maintain even a standing army. Which is why the Constitution specifically prohibits army appropriations of more than two years. And since the US is at peace with its neighbors, Canada and Mexico, it does not need an army. So the army should be eliminated. As the only legitimate use for an air force is in support of ground troops, it should be eliminated as well. The Marines need to be folded back into the Navy, from whence they sprang; they are support troops for ships, that’s all they are; that they are sent to fight in landlocked countries, like Afghanistan, is madness. So: down the loo, they go. Since the US already possesses a Coast Guard, perfectly capable of patrolling the waters of the continental United States (Alaska and Hawaii are imperial possessions, and should be permitted to break free, as should all overseas territories, possessions, protectorates, and the like), Americans can go ahead and get rid of the Navy, too—Marines and all. Make a clean sweep.
No more serial killers. No more death industry.
Unless, devotee of Thanatos, this—hoorah, anchors aweigh, wild blue yonder, semper fi—is what you do like:
Me, I vote no. On Thanatos. In its all and every.
I vote, instead, for this: eros over eros eyes be closed in eros over all:
Filed under: Afghanistan/Pakistan, Africa, Asia, Capital Crime, Eros, Eternal Recurrence, Rutting For Office, War On Terra