Darth Cheney: jeebus: he’s pretty much a cartoon character these days, isn’t he? No longer really recognizable, much less acceptable, as an actual human being. He is simply fiction, and, I’m pretty sure, always has been. Somebody—fucking with us—just made the shit up. And then rolled it into Reality.
For what he really is, is Simon Legree, whuppin’ on them Negroes; Snidely Whiplash, tying Little Nell to the tracks; some ur-version of Ebenezer Scrooge, one that Dickens ultimately abandoned, papers fed to the fire, because he was way too creepy and Wrong for anyone, for even a moment, to Believe.
This we Know, most recently, because, when the black man announced some modest proposed reductions to the US death industry—which has grown swollen to the size of a thousand-million Harkonnens—Darth ran utterly wild, all over the land, preaching and screeching that the black man thereby means to rain down upon the nation Doom and Destruction.
“This really is over the top,” Darth Legree thundered. “It does enormous long-term damage to our military.”
“He would much rather spend the money on food stamps,” Ebenezer Cheney chundered, “than he would on a strong military.”
And this is wrong . . . exactly how?
Food stamps feed people. Who would otherwise go hungry. They are implements of Eros.
The military is about killing people and breaking things. It is the apotheosis of Thanatos.
Weird. That this planet is still so primitive, that anyone, at all, would, ever, take seriously, a being who asserts that resources should be dedicated to death, rather than life.
Oh well. Darth is over, of course. He, and his, are like those soldiers in combat who, running, are shot and killed, but their legs continue to carry them on, sometimes for quite a number of paces, before they look down, and notice that they are dead.
Darth is an agent of Thanatos. And therefore The Loser.
Because Eros, always, is ascendant over Thanatos. This is the one thing I know. Always has been, is now, always will be. Else life would not continue. Though it has. And does. And will.
Filed under: Capital Crime, Destry, Eros, Rutting For Office, War On Terra